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ROW Collection Set
Price: $138.95
The Reimagining Our Work (ROW) collection is a series of stories written by early childhood educators that illuminate the pedagogical approach described in the foundational text From Teaching to Thinking.
Dribble Drabble: Process Art Experiences for Young Children
Price: $17.95
Creative art should offer children the opportunities for originality, creativity, fluency, flexibility, and sensitivity. Covering a w...
Exploring the 3-D World: Developing Spatial and Math Skills in Young Children
Price: $34.95
Help develop young children's spatial reasoning and math skills through play. 184 pages.
Recipes for Messy Play
Author: Cathy Sheppard
Price: $17.95
Messy play is one of the great joys of early childhood. This book uses 40 fun, open-ended, and creative recipes for children to build literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional skills. Easel backed, self-standing package, for easy reading. 48 pages...
More Than Singing: Discovering Music in Preschool and Kindergarten
Price: $32.95
Do you wonder if "The Wheels on the Bus" and rhythm bands are the only way to share music with kids? More Than Singing is the book for you! This book features more than 100 musical activities; it has ideas for creating songs, instruments, musi...
Celebrate! 2nd Edition: An Anti-Bias Guide to Including Holidays in Early Childhood Programs
Author: Julie Bisson
Price: $24.95
Since demographics have changed in early childhood programs, questions of how, when, and which holidays to celebrate have also become more complex and controversial. This guide provides educators with a toolbox for developing inclusive po...
The Apple Demo (DVD)
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $18.95
This DVD will give you a quick comparison of four classrooms: one using real apples, one using plastic apples, one using a coloring sheet of an apple, and one using a flashcard of the word apple. This demonstration illustrates how language devel...
Moving & Learning with Your Child (Set of 25)
Author: Rae Pica
Price: $24.95
Movement guru Rae Pica is known for her creative approaches to movement and learning with children from birth through elementary school and beyond. Research has proven that learning and movement are closely linked in childhood development. ...
Teaching STEM In The Early Years: Activities for Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Price: $39.95
The foundation for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education begins in the early years. Teaching STEM in the Early Years provides more than 90 activities and learning center ideas that seamlessly integrate STEM throughout your e...
Jugar conmigo cuando tengo tres anos
Author: Deborah McNelis
Price: $12.95
Use these ideas to enhance three-year-olds' brain development and support their learning. Information on how these attentive and fun interactions help a child's brain develop is also included. Brain Insights activity cards are compact and portable, m...
Beyond the Flannel Board: Story-Retelling Strategies Across the Curriculum
Price: $17.97
Improve young children’s language, social-emotional, and number sense development with effective, developmentally appropriate teaching strategies in story retelling. This book demystifies the story retelling experience for teachers of young ch...
My Little Blue Robot
Price: $12.97
This book is more than a book—it’s a robot waiting to be made! The sturdy, ultrathick cardboard pages contain all the necessary robot components as well as clear instructions for assembly. The flat pieces fit together with slots and tabs, which...
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