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It's Mine (DVD): Responding to Problems and Conflicts
Price: $60.95
Children grabbing toys, crying, fighting—problems are bound to happen in infant-toddler spaces. This HighScope DVD shows many strategies caregivers can use to respond sensitively and positively to children's social conflicts. Included are strategies ...
A Guidance Guide for Early Childhood Leaders: Strengthening Relationships with Children, Families, and Colleagues
Author: Dan Gartrell
Price: $27.95
In this follow-up to Guidance for Every Child, author Dan Gartrell, EdD, expands on the advice broached in that book - that children need guidance rather than discipline. Guidance is teaching for healthy emotional and social development. On a day-to-...
Words Are Not for Hurting/Las palabras no son para lastimar
Author: Martine Agassi   Illustrated by: Marieka Heinlen
Price: $9.95
Words Are Not for Hurting/Las palabras no son para lastimar helps little ones learn big ideas: that they are responsible for what they do and say, that their actions and words affect others, and that they can make positive choices. Simple words and d...
Reflection, Perspective-Taking, and Social Justice: Stories of Empathy and Kindness in the Early Childhood Classroom
Price: $24.95
This inspirational book brings readers inside the school to aid them in their own personal and professional reflections on practices and ways of being with children in this shared journey towards a better world.?
Choose Your Words: Communicating with Young Children, Second Edition
Price: $22.95
Teachers support cognitive development through meaningful classroom conversations. This updated edition examines adult communication and its influence on children’s behavior and learning. Transform the language you use in the classroom to suppor...
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