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Displaying 181 - 192 of 379 results
Planting a Rainbow
Author: Lois Ehlert
Price: $8.95
This educational and enjoyable book helps children understand how to plant bulbs, seeds, and seedlings, and nurture their growth. Lois Ehlert's bold collage illustrations include six pages of staggered width, presenting all the flowers of each color ...
Feminist Baby
Author: Loryn Brantz
Price: $12.95
Feminist Baby likes pink and blue. Sometimes she'll throw up on you! Feminist Baby chooses what to wear and if you don't like it she doesn't care!  Meet the irrepressible Feminist Baby in this refreshing, clever board book about a girl who's not af...
The Colors of Us
Author: Karen Katz
Price: $8.95
Seven-year-old Lena is going to paint a picture of herself. She wants to use brown paint for her skin. But when she and her mother take a walk through the neighborhood, Lena learns that brown comes in many different shades. Through the eyes of a lit...
Even More Fizzle, Bubble, Pop & Wow!: Simple Science Experiments for Young Children
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $19.95
Excite young readers with more than 80 simple science experiments that promote learning in fun and unique ways. Each uses supplies that you probably already have in your classroom or kitchen. Age focus: 3–12 Softbound, 120 pgs
Anti-Bias Curriculum for the Preschool Classroom
Price: $34.95
The YWCA Minneapolis Early Childhood Education’s anti-bias, play-based curriculum is a framework that can be used independently or within another curriculum. Age focus: 3-5 Softbound, 160 pages Available August 2020
Redleaf FCC Curriculum Development Assessment Starter Set
Price: $19.95
This sets includes one of each of the following: The Redleaf Family Child Care Curriculum Developmental Assessment Revised Edition This revised edition lays out the milestones and provides space to record the dates when the child begins moving t...
ASQ SE 2 Learning Activities & More
Price: $49.95
Enhance the social-emotional development of infants and young children with this treasure trove of learning activities, handouts, and more! Specially developed to complement ASQ:SE-2, this essential resource makes it a snap to share practical social-...
Loose Parts 3: Inspiring Culturally Sustainable Environments
Price: $34.95
The next installment for the award-winning Loose Parts series offers inspiration and guidance on creating culturally sensitive and culturally sustainable early childhood environments. With the help of over 400 full-color photos, this book shows r...
Choose Your Words: Communicating with Young Children, Second Edition
Price: $22.95
Teachers support cognitive development through meaningful classroom conversations. This updated edition examines adult communication and its influence on children’s behavior and learning. Transform the language you use in the classroom to suppor...
RIGOROUS DAP in the Early Years: From Theory to Practice
Price: $24.47
In this day and age of high-stakes academic testing and accountability, children are expected to know more and more at a younger and younger age. Early childhood educators struggle to help children meet academic expectations while teaching in a d...
Game On!: Screen-Free Fun for Children Two and Up
Price: $19.95
Today’s children are plugged in to an overabundance of fast-paced electronic games that promote individual play and connect young children to screens, not people. This book is a collection of screen-free, traditional games and activities for you...
Let's Talk Toddlers: A Practical Guide to High-Quality Teaching
Price: $29.95
This user-friendly book speaks to the realities, challenges, and needs of daily life with rambunctious, enthusiastic, unpredictable toddlers in group settings. With informative and real-life examples, you get immediate take-away action steps that...