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Let's Talk Toddlers: A Practical Guide to High-Quality Teaching
Price: $29.95
This user-friendly book speaks to the realities, challenges, and needs of daily life with rambunctious, enthusiastic, unpredictable toddlers in group settings. With informative and real-life examples, you get immediate take-away action steps that...
STEAM Concepts for Infants and Toddlers
Price: $39.95
STEAM’s goal is to support the native creativity and innovation that all young children possess. Infants and toddlers have a naturally curious mindset. Yet there is little literature for educators about how to use STEAM concepts in their practice...
Balancing Brain Stimulation for Infants and Toddlers: Too Little? Too Much? Just Right! [cards]
Author: Deborah McNelis
Price: $12.95
Practical and useful information on how to balance brain stimulation in infants and toddlers. Age Focus: 0-2 years Ring Bound, 40 cards Full Color
Family Engagement in Early Childhood Settings Quick Guide
Author: Mary Muhs
Price: $19.95
Strategies for early childhood programs to enhance interactions, engagement, expectations, and communication with families. Age Focus: 0-8 years Softbound, 88 pgs
Teorias sobre la infancia, segunda edicion (Theories of Childhood 2nd Edition)
Price: $25.95
Theories of Childhood is used in colleges across the country and in thirteen countries around the world. Now, for the first-time Spanish speakers will be able to examine the work of five groundbreaking education theorists—John Dewey, Maria Mont...
Lisa Murphy on Being Child Centered
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $26.95
Lisa Murphy outlines nine characteristics early childhood programs need to create a child-centered environment where play, developmentally appropriate practice, and academic standards come together under one roof. Age focus: 0–8 years208 pages
No Biting 3rd Edition: Solutions and Support for Toddler Programs
Price: $24.95
Updated solutions and support for how to stop young children from biting.Age focus: 0–3200 pages Available March 2019
No Biting PowerPoint Training (CD-ROM)
Price: $29.95
The perfect training resource for early childhood centers dealing with young children who bite. Age focus: 0–3 CD-ROM with 40 PowerPoint slides and a 10-page handout.
Sign Language Cards for Infants and Toddlers
Price: $14.95
Forty commonly used American Sign Language words with simple directions on how to use, and the benefits of, sign language with infants and toddlers.Age focus: 0–340 ring bound, laminated cards
Children's Lively Minds: Schema Theory Made Visible
Price: $46.95
Clear, practical advice for adults observing children's cognitive development associated with schema theory.Age focus: 0–5224 pages
No Biting Trainers Set
Price: $44.95
Take the time and guesswork out of preparing an effective, high-quality training on strategies and solutions to toddler biting. 200 pages + CD-ROMAge focus: 0–3
Sign Language Card Set
Price: $21.95
Teaching infants, toddlers and preschoolers modified sign language can ease communciation frustration and enhance education for all children. The Sign Language Cards Set give early childhood professionals and families simple directions on how to use ...
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