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Working in the Reggio Way: A Beginner's Guide for American Teachers
Author: Julianne P. Wurm   Forward: Celia Genishi
Price: $26.95
Read the table of contents or a sample chapter of this book! Are you curious about the Reggio Emilia approach but not quite sure where to begin? Working in the Reggio Way helps early childhood teachers bring the reflective, high-quality pra...
The Unscripted Classroom: Emergent Curriculum in Action
Author: Susan Stacey
Price: $29.95
Emergent curriculum encourages you to use creativity and flexibility as you respond to classroom challenges and children's interests. Filled with case studies and stories from toddler and preschool teachers about their experiences responding to ev...
Emergent Set
Author: Susan Stacey
Price: $53.95
Take an exploratory look at the components of emergent curriculum and how its practices and principles can improve the learning culture of early childhood programs. Emergent curriculum is a philosophy that unites children's interests with the educ...
Theories of Childhood, Second Edition: An Introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erikson, Piaget & Vygotsky
Price: $29.95
Examine the work of five groundbreaking education theorists—John Dewey, Maria Montessori, Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Lev Vygotsky—in relation to early childhood. Theories of Childhood, Second Edition, provides a basic introduction ...
When Play Isn’t Easy: Helping Children Enter and Sustain Play
Price: $14.95
Play is key to young children's development and one of the most influential ways they learn. Sometimes, though, play isn't easy for children. They may find it hard to fit in, get along, or collaborate with peers. With your help, children can le...
When Play Isn’t Fun: Helping Children Resolve Play Conflicts
Price: $12.95
Play is essential for children's development and as they learn life skills. But some children face challenges when playing with others, and conflicts can erupt over sharing toys, taking turns, and feeling left out. Despite those moments, children...
Make Early Learning Standards Come Alive, Second Edition: Connecting Your Practice and Curriculum to State Guidelines
Author: Gaye Gronlund
Price: $24.95
Updated to reflect the continuing evolution of early learning standards, this book offers help and hints, support and clarification, and clear explanations of how you can make early learning standards come alive in your early childhood classroom or...
Early Learning Theories Made Visible
(1 review)
Price: $39.95
Go beyond reading about early learning theories and see what they look like in action in modern programs and teacher practices. With classroom vignettes and colorful photographs, this book makes the works of Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Lev Vy...
Loose Parts: Inspiring Play in Young Children
Price: $34.95
Loose parts are natural or synthetic found, bought, or upcycled materials—acorns, hardware, stones, aluminum foil, fabric scraps, for example—that children can move, manipulate, control, and change within their play. Loose parts are...
Theories of Practice: Raising the Standard of Early Childhood Education
Price: $19.95
As an educator, you care deeply about working with young children and strive for quality in your program. This book explains why learning about foundational theory supports the ways you care for and teach children. With stories, anecdotes, and...
Giants in the Nursery: A Biographical History of Developmentally Appropriate Practice
Author: David Elkind
(1 review)
Price: $17.97
Giants in the Nursery examines the evolution of developmentally appropriate practice in this biographical history of early childhood education. This book, from David Elkind, explores the theory's progression—from its beginnings in writing...
When Play Isn't Fun / Easy Set
Price: $19.95
Play is vital to children's overall healthy development. Play can be fun, but sometimes it is painful or discouraging. Children might have difficulty joining play or participating in group play, or they might fight or feel left out. These books pro...
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