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Displaying 217 - 228 of 319 results
Play with Me While I’m Three: Making Connections with Three-Year-Olds
Author: Deborah McNelis
Price: $14.95
Use these ideas to enhance three-year-olds' brain development and support their learning. Information on how these attentive and fun interactions help a child's brain develop is also included. Brain Insights activity cards are compact and porta...
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports for Preschool and Kindergarten
Price: $34.95
Create and implement a classroom-wide behavior management system for preschool and kindergarten classrooms using PBIS. 200 pages.
Power in Pretend: Supporting Young Children’s Power, Identity and Agency Through Play
Author: Mike Huber
Price: $26.95
Ranging from princess play to gun play, The Power in Pretend questions and sheds light on the ways children play with ideas of power.
Practical Solutions to Practically Every Problem, Third Edition: The Survival Guide for Early Childhood Professionals
Author: Steffen Saifer
Price: $34.95
An encyclopedic how-to-guide for the universal early childhood program problems, this book provides solutions to every possible problem faced by early childhood teachers—before you encounter them. This classic resource has been u...
Preschoolers and Kindergartners Moving and Learning:A Physical Education Curriculum
Author: Rae Pica
Price: $26.95
Physical education is a critical part of every early childhood curriculum. Children need to move to channel their energies in creative, beneficial ways and to learn habits for lifelong health and fitness. Preschoolers and Kindergartners Moving & L...
Preschoolers: Cognitive Development DVD
Price: $118.95
It is simply fascinating to observe how preschoolers begin to use language, mental imagery and symbolic thinking; think of past and future events; and think about their own thinking. Children start to clearly express themselves and grasp sophistica...
Preschoolers: Physical Development DVD
Price: $118.95
From the ages of two to five, preschoolers reach developmental milestones with endless energy and increasing physical coordination. This detailed, entertaining and informative look into the world of preschoolers shows them engaged in activities tha...
Preschoolers: Social & Emotional Development DVD
Price: $118.95
Preschoolers are creative, curious and active experimenters that learn about themselves and their world as they take on new roles outside of their homes and families. In their interactions with peers, children commonly show kindness and compassion ...
Quick as a Cricket
Author: Audrey Wood   Illustrated by: Don Wood
Price: $10.95
A celebration of a child’s growing self-awareness, and a prime example of how books can contribute to this. Whether brave or shy, strong or weak, in the end the young boy celebrates all different, apparently contradictory parts of himself. 24 pages
Author: Kate Alizadeh
Price: $16.95
Sssh! Listen, what s that noise? Each room in a house has different noises and in this book the text and visual clues help a child experience the home through sound, which will be familiar to those children who are blind or partially sighted. Feature...
Rae Pica's Moving and Learning Set
Author: Rae Pica
Price: $64.95
Physical education is a critical part of every early childhood curriculum. Children need to move to channel their energies in creative, beneficial ways and to learn habits for lifelong health and fitness. The books in Rae Pica's Moving & Learning s...
Ready for Kindergarten: A Tool Kit for Supporting Children and Families, 2nd Edition
Price: $29.95
The transition to kindergarten is a significant and exciting milestone in young children's lives. This tool kit is an ideal planning resource for early childhood professionals as they coordinate a successful transition that benefits children, their f...