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Displaying 145 - 156 of 213 results
Parent Engagement in Early Learning: Strategies for Working with Families
Author: Julie Powers
Price: $29.95
This updated second edition of Parent-Friendly Early Learning brings to life real scenarios that care providers face in today’s world. We know parent engagement is important for a child’s success, but how do you turn parent-provider relationship...
Parent/Provider Policies (5-pack) forms only
Author: Redleaf Press
Price: $7.95
Create a thorough parent agreement covering illness, substitute care, caregiving routines, discipline, and more! This easy-to-use, two-part carbonless form can be used alone or with the Parent Contract (see Sharing in the Caring), which is part of...
Partnering with Families: Winning Ways for Early Childhood Professionals
Author: Gigi Schweikert
Price: $22.95
Strong partnerships with families create a better environment for children to learn and grow. This resource addresses the realities of working with families and provides effective steps to help you initiate and maintain efforts as you build mutu...
Play with Me While I’m Three: Making Connections with Three-Year-Olds
Author: Deborah McNelis
Price: $14.95
Use these ideas to enhance three-year-olds' brain development and support their learning. Information on how these attentive and fun interactions help a child's brain develop is also included. Brain Insights activity cards are compact and porta...
PLAYbook: Everyday Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers
Author: Terrie Rose
Price: $699.95
PLAYbook translates the most current research and best-practice strategies into predictable daily activities. And it is aligned with early learning standards and assessment systems! PLAYbook organizes your classroom and your child care center. I...
Power in Pretend: Supporting Young Children’s Power, Identity and Agency Through Play
Author: Mike Huber
Price: $26.95
Ranging from princess play to gun play, The Power in Pretend questions and sheds light on the ways children play with ideas of power.
Practical Solutions to Practically Every Problem, Third Edition: The Survival Guide for Early Childhood Professionals
Author: Steffen Saifer
Price: $34.95
An encyclopedic how-to-guide for the universal early childhood program problems, this book provides solutions to every possible problem faced by early childhood teachers—before you encounter them. This classic resource has been u...
Preschoolers: Cognitive Development DVD
Price: $118.95
It is simply fascinating to observe how preschoolers begin to use language, mental imagery and symbolic thinking; think of past and future events; and think about their own thinking. Children start to clearly express themselves and grasp sophistica...
Preschoolers: Physical Development DVD
Price: $118.95
From the ages of two to five, preschoolers reach developmental milestones with endless energy and increasing physical coordination. This detailed, entertaining and informative look into the world of preschoolers shows them engaged in activities tha...
Preschoolers: Social & Emotional Development DVD
Price: $118.95
Preschoolers are creative, curious and active experimenters that learn about themselves and their world as they take on new roles outside of their homes and families. In their interactions with peers, children commonly show kindness and compassion ...
Professionalizing Early Childhood Education As a Field of Practice: A Guide to the Next Era
Price: $8.78
For many years people have thought about how to bring more professional structure to the early childhood education field. Professionalizing Early Childhood Education as a Field of Practice: A Guide to the Next Era is a tool to help everyone i...
Protecting Your Family Child Care Business: Preventing and Addressing Regulatory Challenges
Author: Sharon Woodward
Price: $21.95
Respected family child care consultant Sharon Woodward brings years of regulation and policy experience to help you protect your family child care business.