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Displaying 589 - 591 of 591 results
Family Child Care 2022 Tax Workbook & Organizer
With: Bill Porter   Author: Tom Copeland
Price: $20.95
As tax season approaches each year, thousands of family child care providers save time and money using the Workbook and Organizers. Expected to ship early January 2023
Infants: Physical Development DVD
Price: $77.32
Watch as infants begin to explore their world and reach different milestones along the way. Learn how a baby's brain develops, what activities help stimulate healthy brain growth, and the importance of proper nutrition and sleep during the first...
Is Everybody Ready for Kindergarten?: A Tool Kit for Preparing Children and Families
Price: $24.95
Download the appendixes. Making the transition into kindergarten is a significant and exciting milestone in young children's lives. With proper coordination and planning, it can be a smooth process, benefiting children, families, and schools. Is...