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Infants: Physical Development DVD
Price: $77.32
Watch as infants begin to explore their world and reach different milestones along the way. Learn how a baby's brain develops, what activities help stimulate healthy brain growth, and the importance of proper nutrition and sleep during the first...
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, ECERS, Third Edition
Price: $28.95
The long-anticipated new version of the internationally recognized Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, ECERS-3, focuses on the full range of needs of preschool- and kindergarten-aged children. This widely used, comprehensive assessment tool me...
Early Childhood Quality Rating Scale - Emergent Curriculum (ECQRS-EC)
Price: $28.95
Young children’s learning depends on a wide range of experiences that support their holistic development. While many different curricular frameworks are used around the world, there is increasing agreement that the emerging academic skills of languag...
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