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Displaying 37 - 44 of 44 results
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Design in Mind: A Framework for Sparking Ideas, Collaborations, and Innovation in Early Education
Price: $23.07
Design in Mind refocuses education to embrace a new vision grounded on equity, equality, and inclusion.
Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS) Curriculum for Birth to Three Years
Price: $42.22
Used after the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS) Test is completed and scored, this developmentally sequenced curriculum allows you to match the child's IFSP/IEP goals and objectives with activity-based interventions-beginning wi...
Starting with Character: Activities for Infants, Toddlers, and Twos
Price: $17.47
Starting with Character focuses on character development in infants, toddlers, and twos. This guide provides everything needed for preparing the environment, creating routines, and evaluating individual learning styles. Lesson plans and ste...
The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever
Price: $9.49
Drawing on years of experience training more than 10,000 busy managers from around the globe in practical, everyday coaching skills, Bungay Stanier reveals how to unlock your peoples' potential. He unpacks sevenessential coaching questions to demonst...
Havens of Hope: Ideas for Redesigning Education from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Author: Shira Leibowitz
Price: $17.47
Havens of Hope shares the hopeful energy and positive transformation that is emerging through the early childhood education field in this historic time of pandemic, economic uncertainty, and protests for racial equity. It brings readers on a journey ...
Inspiring Wonder, Awe, and Empathy: Spiritual Development in Young Children
Author: Deborah Schein
Price: $17.97
Inspiring Wonder, Awe, and Empathy offers a series of best practices for child care providers to nurture a child’s spiritual development—an extension of social-emotional learning. The book helps educators introduce young children to a syste...
Infants: Physical Development DVD
Price: $77.32
Watch as infants begin to explore their world and reach different milestones along the way. Learn how a baby's brain develops, what activities help stimulate healthy brain growth, and the importance of proper nutrition and sleep during the first...
Expressing Creativity in Preschool
Price: $17.47
Discover how to use learning centers organized into art, music and movement, and dramatic play in innovative ways. For each center, identify what children do and learn in that center, how to include children’s families and cultures, and tips for ...
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