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Good Going!: Successful Potty Training for Children in Child Care
Price: $16.95
Read a sample chapter of this book! From the training chair to the big potty, Good Going! has potty training policy and practice covered. This comprehensive handbook examines potty training issues in child care settings and at home. Eight chap...
Video Guide and Training Workbook for the ITERS-R
Price: $4.95
This 16 page guide includes training activities, which can be reproduced for use in the classroom for educational purposes only. Each participant will require a personal copy.
Infant Daily Report Form
Author: Redleaf Press
(2 reviews)
Price: $14.95
A must-have for any infant program, parents fill out the top half of the form at drop-off. You report diapering, bottle, and sleeping information on the lower half. 3 tablets, each with 60 pages—a six-month's supply.
Toddler Daily Report Form
Author: Redleaf Press
Price: $12.95
Parents complete the top portion of these helpful forms at drop-off to update you on their child's day. You use the quick checklists to give parents reminders and important information, including naptime, toileting, and eating. 3 tablets, each wi...
Diapers Are Not Forever
Price: $9.95
When little ones learn to “do what the big kids do” (go, wipe, flush, wash their hands), they won’t need a diaper anymore—they’ll have underwear under there! Includes tips for parents and caregivers from a Children’s Health Specialist. 24 pages
Bye-Bye Time
Price: $9.95
Being dropped off at childcare or cared for by a baby-sitter means saying good-bye to Mom or Dad—and for many toddlers, bye-bye is a big deal. This gentle book helps ease the transition and avoid separation anxiety with simple rituals: hugs and kisse...
No Biting 3E and Why Children Bite Set
Price: $39.95
Read a sample chapter or the table of contents of No Biting: Policy and Practice for Toddler Programs, 2nd Edition Biting is an issue that is more than skin-deep; it is a concern that has developmental, emotional, or environmental origins. An "un...
Manners Time
Price: $9.95
Teaching manners to toddlers is easier than you may think. Manners start with a smile—then you add the words. There are polite words to use when you greet someone, ask for something, or (oops!) make a mistake. There's even a nice way to say no. This ...
Sharing Time
Price: $9.95
Sometimes it's fun to share, and sometimes it's hard. This book offers toddlers simple choices (take turns, use it together, wait for another time) to make sharing easier, and shows them where to turn for help when sharing is difficult. Little ones l...
Infants Development DVD Set
Price: $324.95
Save over $30 when you buy this set! Infants: Physical Development Watch as infants begin to explore their world and reach different milestones along the way. Learn how a baby's brain develops, what activities help stimulate healthy brain g...
Good Going! The Potty Training Guide for Families (set of 25)
Price: $24.95
Make a coordinated effort with families as their children begin potty training. This family companion to Good Going! explains the signs when a child is ready to begin potty training, provides tips to help parents prepare for training, and answers c...
Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS) Curriculum for Birth to Three Years
Price: $42.22
Used after the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS) Test is completed and scored, this developmentally sequenced curriculum allows you to match the child's IFSP/IEP goals and objectives with activity-based interventions-beginning wi...
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