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Celebrate! 2nd Edition: An Anti-Bias Guide to Including Holidays in Early Childhood Programs
Author: Julie Bisson
Price: $24.95
Since demographics have changed in early childhood programs, questions of how, when, and which holidays to celebrate have also become more complex and controversial. This guide provides educators with a toolbox for developing inclusive po...
Redleaf Family Child Care Curriculum Complete Set
Price: $59.95
This starter set includes The Redleaf Family Child Care Curriculum, Second Edition, 10 copies of The Redleaf Family Child Care Developmental Assessment, Revised Edition, 10 copies of The Redleaf Family Child Care Curriculum Family Companion, Revis...
Redleaf Family Child Care Curriculum Complete Set (SPANISH translation)
Author: Sharon Woodward
Price: $59.95
El Programa de Cuidado Infantil en el Hogar de Redleaf, segunda educación, ofrece el mismo formato fácil de usar del original con nuevas actividades e ideas para crear cientos de experiencias de aprendizaje creativas e inclusivas. 256 pages
The Apple Demo (DVD)
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $18.95
This DVD will give you a quick comparison of four classrooms: one using real apples, one using plastic apples, one using a coloring sheet of an apple, and one using a flashcard of the word apple. This demonstration illustrates how language devel...
Moving & Learning with Your Child (Set of 25)
Author: Rae Pica
Price: $24.95
Movement guru Rae Pica is known for her creative approaches to movement and learning with children from birth through elementary school and beyond. Research has proven that learning and movement are closely linked in childhood development. ...
Ready for Kindergarten: A Tool Kit for Supporting Children and Families, 2nd Edition
Price: $29.95
The transition to kindergarten is a significant and exciting milestone in young children's lives. This tool kit is an ideal planning resource for early childhood professionals as they coordinate a successful transition that benefits children, their f...
Infant Daily Report Form
Author: Redleaf Press
(2 reviews)
Price: $14.95
A must-have for any infant program, parents fill out the top half of the form at drop-off. You report diapering, bottle, and sleeping information on the lower half. 3 tablets, each with 60 pages—a six-month's supply.
Redleaf FCC Curriculum Development Assessment, Revised Edition
Price: $16.95
Each child develops at a different rate, so it is important to view this development against a series of benchmarks or milestones. By recording a child's progress through a series of milestones, you can determine if the child is on track and de...
Hip on Health (CD-ROM)
Price: $13.17
This collection of displayable mini-posters and reproducible one-page information sheets provide accurate content on more than 140 key health, safety, and well-being topics. These tools will increase parent and caregiver knowledge, enhance communic...
Good Going! The Potty Training Guide for Families (set of 25)
Price: $24.95
Make a coordinated effort with families as their children begin potty training. This family companion to Good Going! explains the signs when a child is ready to begin potty training, provides tips to help parents prepare for training, and answers c...
From Babysitter to Business Owner: Getting the Most Out of Your Home Child Care Business
Price: $19.95
Do others view your work as you do? Does it ever seem as though some parents see you more as a babysitter than a professional caregiver and business owner? How can you change their minds? Family child care homes provide much-needed, quality care f...
Safety: A Whole Health Curriculum for Young Children series
Price: $14.95
Learning to lead a healthy lifestyle begins during the early years. Part of the Growing, Growing Strong series, this body care curriculum includes activities and background information to help children develop lifelong healthy habits. 88 pages
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