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Exploring Math & Science in Preschool
Price: $17.47
Filled with practical strategies and engaging visuals to help bring math and science into your early childhood setting. Discover innovative ways to design, arrange, and implement ideas and activities. Resources for teachers include reflection que...
Escala de Calificación del Ambiente de la Infancia Temprana: (ECERS-3 Español)
Price: $28.95
Esta nueva versión de la internacionalmente reconocida Escala de calificación del ambiente de la infancia temprana, ECERS-3.
Escala de calificación del ambiente de la infancia temprana, edición revisada
Price: $28.95
Spanish edition of Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, Revised Edition Assess the quality of your early childhood environment. This widely used program quality assessment instrument includes 43 items that evaluate the use of space, materials, ...
Creating a Reggio-Inspired STEM Environment for Young Children Quick Guide
Price: $17.95
An easy-to-use guide to rethinking your early learning environment with a focus on STEM using the Reggio Emilia approach lens. 88 pages.
Video Guide and Training Workbook for the ECERS-R
Price: $4.95
This 16-page guide includes training activites, which can be reproduced for use in the classroom for educational purposes only. Each participant will require a copy.
Loose Parts in Action: The Essential How-To Guide
Author: Lisa Daly
Price: $22.95
Take loose parts from inspiration to implementation with this practical, easy-to-use loose parts manual. Loose Parts in Action provides specific instructions and a step-by-step process for infusing loose parts into early learning environments, to mak...
Escala de Calificación del Ambiente Para Bebés Y Niños Pequeños: (ITERS-3 Español)
Price: $28.95
This is the Spanish edition of the revised and updated Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale®. ITERS-3 is the next-generation assessment tool for use in center-based child care programs for infants and toddlers up to 36 months of age.
Sign to Learn: American Sign Language in the Early Childhood Classroom
Price: $24.95
Everyone is talking about signing with young children. As a form of early communication for infants and toddlers, or as a transitioning tool for children just beginning to speak, the benefits of signing with hearing children are endless. Inform...
Complementary Curriculum Approach: Transform Your Practice Through Intentional Teaching
Price: $27.95
The Complementary Curriculum Approach is a practical and inspiring guide, written by and for early care and education professionals who want to trade “harried and chaotic” for “settled and engaged.”
Cultivating Outdoor Classrooms: Designing and Implementing Child-Centered Learning Environments
Author: Eric Nelson
Price: $49.95
There are many ways outdoor spaces can be transformed into fully functioning classrooms where children explore, experiment, and spend quality time in nature. Filled with both simple and large-scale ideas, Cultivating Outdoor Classrooms provides su...
Creating Your Earth-Friendly Childhood Program Quick Guide
Price: $19.95
Creating your Earth-Friendly Early Chlidhood Program, Redleaf Quick Guide offers an approachable, efficient entry point for ECE educators who wish to instill ecofriendly values and practices in their programs. 88 pages.
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