Bright Horizons Transitions Brain Insight Cards
Available options include:
Transitions with Infants and Toddlers & Transitions with Preschoolers
ISBN 978-1-60554-680-3 $12.95 | ISBN 978-1-60554-681-0 $12.95
Did you know that a large part of a child's brain development happens during the early years of life? Development is impacted by experiences that a child has in your classroom. Everything you do during the day contributes . . . and transitions are a large part of every day. The ideas in this deck offer simple and quick ways to make your interactions more physically active, positive, supportive, and respectful. Many of these ideas align perfectly with “prime times”—moments of one-to-one responsive, nurturing interaction between you and a child when the child has your full human presence. These are the times when the child’s basic human needs of nurturing, food, rest, and learning with others are addressed.
This deck is color coded to help you notice how these experiences relate to prime times, physical development and executive function development. Since domains overlap, the back of each card offers more information to highlight which components are addressed and why the experience is important.