About the Author:

Francis Wardle, PhD, teaches for the University of Phoenix (Colorado) and is Executive Director for the Center for the Study of Biracial Children. He is also the author of the book, Tomorrow’s Children and Oh Boy! Strategies for Teaching Boy in Early Childhood.

PhD Francis Wardle, Author, Teacher, Executive Director 's Books

  • Oh Boy! Strategies for Teaching Boys in Early Childhood

    Author: PhD Francis Wardle

    Product Code:
    702286 (Paperback)
    978-0-942702-28-6 (Paperback)
    Age Focus: 4-12

    Description & More Details

    Oh Boy! suggests that many of the struggles young boys have in our early childhood programs and schools are not simply a result of bad behavior. Rather, boys struggle because of a much more fundamental problem: a mismatch between how most young boys develop, grow, and learn, and the kinds of expectations, outcomes, activities, and discipline approaches used in programs during the early years.

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