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Displaying 85 - 96 of 345 results
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Leadership in Action, Second Edition
Price: $29.95
Leadership begins in the head and heart. It is a way of thinking about yourself and the vital role you play in your early childhood program. This book dispels the myth that there is one best leadership style that all directors should emulate. It wil...
Inspiring Peak Performance
Price: $29.95
Imagine what your program would look like if it were a true professional learning community—a place where teachers saw each new day as an opportunity to expand their competence and confidence and support one another in moving forward toward a ...
What if Today Was Their Only Day DVD
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $79.00
Lisa Murphy shares the powerful story of her first day of school. Through active and engaging storytelling Lisa brings you back to her first day, taking you on a grand tour of Miss Mary’s Nursery School and sharing many observations, lessons, and ...
Identifying & Creating Child Centered Environments DVD
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $79.00
This workshop provides an in-depth exploration of the nine points within the framework of Lisa Murphy’s approach to working with children. Via interactive lecture, true-to-life examples, anecdotes, and Lisa’s signature “learning and laughing...
The Importance of Early Experiences DVD
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $79.00
Lisa Murphy identifies the seven things educators need to do with children each day in order to encourage a love of lifelong learning and create the foundation that will support future school success. And that foundation is playing! This worksho...
Creative Art with Young Children! DVD
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $39.00
In this workshop Lisa Murphy will defend a very strong process-oriented art position. After a discussion about what “process not product” really means, participants will have time to create with various media in order to reinforce the importanc...
Oh, those Little Ones! DVD
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $29.00
Watch as Lisa Murphy shows you a hands-on exploration of many activities that are appropriate for the wee ones in your infant and toddler rooms. Special features include a self test, handout, and certification document. 41 minutes. Closed-Capti...
When Young Children Need Help: Understanding and Addressing Emotional, Behavioral, and Developmental Challenges
Price: $34.95
Some children are hard to reach. They need our help the most When Young Children Need Help explores teh important work of supporting three- to six-year-olds with emotional developmental, and behavioral challenges. Filled with engaging stories, a...
The Great Disconnect in Early Childhood Education: What We Know vs What We Do
(1 review)
Price: $24.95
Over the years, most reforms in early childhood education have been well-intended, yet have not kept up with the needs of young children and educators in the classroom. Author Michael Gramling provides an historical over...
Disaster Planning and Preparedness in Early Childhood and Schoolage Care Settings
Price: $14.95
Let's hope that you'll never have to face a natural or manmade disaster at your setting, but if it should happen, you need to have a plan and be prepared to carry it out. Nothing is more important than the safety of children. That's why thi...
Moving & Learning with Your Child (Set of 25)
Author: Rae Pica
Price: $24.95
Movement guru Rae Pica is known for her creative approaches to movement and learning with children from birth through elementary school and beyond. Research has proven that learning and movement are closely linked in childhood development. ...
Redleaf Family Child Care Curriculum: Teaching Through Quality Care 2E
Author: Sharon Woodward
Price: $44.95
Redleaf's popular and affordable Family Child Care Curriculum just got better! In addition to the more than 200 activities for the domains addressed in the first edition, there are more activities to support children's kindergarten readi...
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